Dear god,
Super massive black hole is in my heart.My heart is screaming all the time when i see my favorite girl.I feel like a superhuman.Last week,i went to a perty in the USA,and we start our first dance.You are the broken harted girl.Crush is in the air.Goodnight and goodbye for you.Then i walk alone along this empty street.
Sunday morning.I long for your call,then i forgot to give my number.i gotta find you,right now.i passed a thausand miles,just for you.I found a girl in the road,and its you.You're beautiful."Hello beautiful,how it's gong?"I said.She said "Good to see you here,boy". "You belong with me,please be mine" I said. "My pleasure" she said. I feel like i'm in a little piece of heaven and my dreams comes true! Just one time,one time of myy life i feel very very lucky.and finally,i was bitten by a love bug.
7 things i like about her;the main thing i like is her beautiful soul.i'm burnin up for you baby.i used to be love drunk.Im gonna make it mine forever.Cause im so obsessed with,that night,im walking along the street and i see starlight in Adelaide sky with you.
Created by:@farisagabriela ,@kemaravinaya