postingan buat omjay..
pesan pesan malem ini:
1) buat yang ngebuat BlogSkins.com: itu cara ganti HTMLnya gimana? kok error mulu ya-,-
2) buat olangan geografi: kenapa susah banget dah? gue gak mau jadi geologis kok tenang aja
3) buat omjay: pak,blog saya ini seadanya. jadi tolong abaikan gambar gambar disamping ----->
itu salah satu dari mereka ada pacar saya loh (oke gak gitu)
sekian kesan kesan hari ini,wish me luck in the exams week.
Your Name ♫
this is 'Your Name' ♥
Your Name - 샤이니
[Onew] I’m entranced by your long, straight hair
I feel dizzy when you pass me by
Whenever that happens
I want to call out your pretty name
Like this
[Key] Sometimes when you’re sad
I don’t know your feelings
[Taemin] During then, I kiss you
[Jonghyun] I kiss your small hand
If it makes you feel better
I would do it several times
[All] Call me, my name
Today is exactly your day
I’ll do anything for you
I want to give you a small gift
That only I can give to you
I’ll run to you now and confess
[Key] Those red lips, those sweet red lips of yours
[Minho] My heart flutters, I tremble more and more
Every time I see you
[Jonghyun] I want to have you
Shall we have a cup of tea together and talk?
[All] I want to play a game
With you the whole day
Don’t you know my feelings?
There’s definitely only one today
I’m gonna whisper my love to you
Enough to make you happy
And completely surprised
[Minho] A kiss to your small ears
I stop because of one word
Dangling at the edge of your lips
I’ll lean on you at the center of the world
And I’ll whisper warmly
[Taemin] Our love won’t change into
[Key] The appearance of a fountain pen
[Jonghyun] I’ll definitely write your feelings down
Hold my my hand
[Onew] I’m still falling in love with you
[All] Call me, my name
Today is exactly your day
I’ll do anything for you
I want to give you a small gift
That only I can give to you
I’ll run to you now and confess
[All] I want to play a game
With you the whole day
Don’t you know my feelings?
There’s definitely only one today
I’m gonna whisper my love to you
Enough to make you happy
And completely surprised
([Minho] I love you)
[Onew] I’m gonna whisper to you
[Jonghyun] Call my name, baby
([Onew] Call my name, baby)
[Jonghyun] Today is your day, baby
([Onew] Today is your day. baby)
[Jonghyun] Call my name
Sweet eh? keke want to hear? try 4shared ;)
if we were a movie~ ♫
lagu ini udah lama banget,jamanz jebot gaktau kapan.
yang nyanyi itu Hannah Montana^^v
"If We Were A Movie"
Uh oh
There you go again talking cinematic
Yeah you!
You're charming, got everybody star struck.
I know
How you always seem to go
For the obvious instead of me
But get a ticket and you'll see
If we were a movie
You'd be the right guy
And I'd be the best friend
You'd fall in love with
In the end we'd be laughing
Watching the sunset
Fade to black
Show the names
Play that happy song
Yeah, yeah
When you call me
I can hear it in your voice
Oh sure!
Wanna see me
And tell me all about her
La la
I'll be acting through my tears
I guess you'll never know
That I should win
An Oscar for this scene I'm in
Wish I could tell you there's a twist
Some kind of hero in disguise
And we're together
It's for real
Now playing
Wish I could tell you there's a kiss
Like something more than in my mind
I see it
Could be amazing
[Chorus x3]
why i want to post this song? Yep! it's kinnda like my story.
well...it's too late i think. In this song,your "best friend" just tell all about her.
Mine? don't ask :)
OH! here's some Quote of the day:
"it better be you loving someone that can feel your love even don't know you're exist,than loving someone that know you're exist but can't feel your love"
Holla,Holla! ♫
stop sok inggris,gremer ancur.
jadi,ternyata ada Hello sebelom di apainlah itu namanya,OOH iya Remix! apa rewrite? taudeh.
namanya Holla dinyanyiin sama J.Cates atau Mohamed Ali (bukan petinju)
i prefer J.Cates to Mohamed Ali. why? karena gue cewe,bukan cowo.well here's the Lyrics
Maybe you don't know it yet
Got a secret that I keep
I don't wanna spoil it but
It's about you and me
Don't know if I can hold this in
Never felt like this before
Maybe if you're interested,
I'll tell you more.
You're like the song that's stuck
Inside my head won't go away
And I think about you every second
And I just gotta say.
Holla Holla,
How can I get your attention boy?
Holla Holla,
Am I getting through to you?
Holla Holla,
Maybe we got some potential boy.
Who knows, what we, could be.
So holla back to me.
All you gotta do is talk to me
Doesn't matter what you got to say
I just really wanna spend
Some time; communicate
Tell me that I'm not outta my mind
Tell me that you feel the same way I do
I gotta know baby
You're like the song that's stuck
Inside my head won't go away
And I think about you every second
And I just gotta say.
Holla Holla,
How can I get your attention boy?
Holla Holla,
Am I getting through to you?
Holla Holla,
Maybe we got some potential boy.
Who knows, what we, could be.
Take me into your arms
Let me in to your world
Cause I'm dying to see what's inside
Wanna dream what you dream
I wanna see what you see
And find out what makes you smile
Holla Holla,
How can I get your attention boy?
Holla Holla,
Am I getting through to you?
Holla Holla,
Maybe we got some potential boy.
Who knows, what we, could be.
And I just gotta say
Holla Holla,
How can I get your attention boy?(I wanna get your attention boy)
Holla Holla,
Am I getting through to you?
Holla Holla,
Maybe we got some potential boy.
Who knows, what we, could be.
So holla back to me.
I feel that I really am young
Even with you in front of me
I don’t know what to do
To the people who are in love
Please tell me how you started to love
Will the day I hold her hand ever come?
Will the day I kiss her above her closed eyes also come?
Hello, hello
I brought up the courage
Hello, hello
I want to talk to you for a moment
Hello, hello
I may be rushing a bit
Who knows? We might
End up doing well
Whether I should approach you
Or wait a little longer
With everyone saying different things
Makes it much harder ([Onew] You might not believe me)
She has higher standards than she seems
This kind of thing is uncommon for me
Please believe what I say
I believe everything will turn out the way you think it will
Hello, hello
I brought up the courage
Hello, hello
I want to talk to you for a moment
Hello, hello
I may be rushing a bit
Who knows? We might
Oh yeah
It’s not my first time to be honest
I’ve loved and broken up before
But it’s hard, please believe these words
You are different
Hello, hello
I’ll bet my all this time
Hello, hello
Ooh yeah, baby baby baby girl
Hello, hello
I don’t know how you feel right now
Who knows? We might
Hello, hello
Hello, hello
Please give me a chance
Hello, hello
I don’t know how you feel right now
Who knows? Two of us
Might be destiny
(Hello, the times I spent by your side
Can no more compare to any other happiness
I can’t express myself to you
My heart wants all of you, never let you go
If this is love, I’ll never let it go
Who knows? The two of us)
Hello, hello
bagus kan warnanya pink sama biru?^^ sonelf gituloh (-_-)
kekeke okay ini juga ada remix duaduanya.
Hello 샤이니 vs Holla J.Cates
well thats all for today :) (?)
Late(s) Updates!
yea it's kinnda look like that. guess what. when he was looking at that. HE'S SMILING! omomomoomo stop.they're only singing 3 songs,Ring Ding Dong,Lucifer,and Hello. and #guesswho enjoyed The Dance Company's 'Papa Rock and Roll'? it's my bb-_-
Taemin my bb!^^
Key (again...again and again and again and agaaain.ok stop it)
Hello Hello~
Lucifer #2
Lucifer #3
Song's confession
what was never to happen,will not happened
why did you leave?
from this nightmare i wake up in tears
i can't miss you,waiting you makes me tired
i can't start this,i can only miss you secretly
in my heart
but only one person who makes me able
to breath like this
that lingers at the edge of my lips
slides down in tears
oh i can't tell you about me
who want to reach your heart
like the starlight hidden behind
the cold clouds
this arrow that reach my heart
feels like apart of my body now
even though it hurts to death
i can't remove you,who's stuck in my heart
i stay up for so many nights
when the starlight becomes rain
that doesn't stop like my tears
DT 1st chapter
hm..kaya biasa,hari ini bosenin banget puasa puasa otak disuruh mikir. pasti gak kepikir,numpang lewat wasweswaswes. pas pelajaran pertama,tibatiba crissy ngomong kalau di fb ada audisi buat sm,tapi gatau resmi atau ngga ke kemara,dan anak ini ngomong ke gue
"eh,SM buka audisi loh!!"
‘iya?beneran?’ ga nganggep serius kirain ngeledek
“BENER.SUER. liat aja sana di websitenya”
karna penasaran,gue buka websitenya,keliatannya sih gaada (alias gak ngerti) karna pake bahasa planet. akhirnya gue ganti dulu tuh ke bahasa inggris *penting abis pake di ceritain* dan akhirnya nemu blablabla audition. trus ada tulisannya "for more information,email us: lalalala@sm.kom .akhirnya gue nanya intinya
- audisi di fb bener apa ngga?
- kalau dari indonesia boleh ikut apa ngga?
entah pas pelajaran keberapa,hp gue geter. tapi gatau apa nyokap bbm gptg atau pacar gue sms (baca:indosat) .nah pas tuker pelajaran gue ngibrit ke kamar mandi ngeliat hp. ternyata itu email. email balesan. dari lalala@sm.kom itu! OH,degdegan bgt itu takunya indonesia gaboleh (boleh ikut aja belom tentu padahal) pas dibuka isinya....
- kita gak punya situs resmi buat ngumumin audisi
- kalian gabisa ikut audisi kalau......persyaratannya.....:
- lalalalalala
- lalalalalalal
- lalalalalalal
- alalalalalala
- lalalalalalal
- lalalalalala
- lalalalallala
- lalalalalallala
- lalalalalallalal
-Gue: ah,bilang aja sama nyokap. atoga gausah bilang,pas masuk baru kasih tau,biar gabisa nolak >:}
-Kemara: gimana cara bilang ke nyokap? manteng depan leptop bentar aja ngomel mulu apa lagi mau ikut audisi? ntar dibilang 'audisi tukang sampah' gimana? T.T bilang sama bokap aja deh,pasti mendukung,tapi ke nyokapnya gimana?
-Crissy: bilangnya gimana ya? kalo bokap sih setuju setuju aja kayanya. nyokap??
NAAAH!! itu dia DT 1st chapter. hehe maaf ya yang pas peraturan cuma 'lalalala' doang,males mikir,soalnya gatau aslinya gimana-___-' hmhmhm apa kata orang tua mereka? apakah mereka bertiga bisa ikut? see ya next chapter :#
teaser teaser
Udah lumayan lama ga mosting ya hehe. Kenapa? Kenapa? Kenapa ga posting?
Karna sibuk. Sibuk apa? Liburan boo waktu gue padat kalau liburan. Entah ngurusin dance,tidur,mainan hp,nguras akuarium,sampe pulang les naik ojek.oke. tu de poin,gue mau bikin “khayalan the series” apa itu khayalan the series? Jadi,selama ini kerjaan gue itu Cuma berhayal. Dari mata melek,merem,melek lagi,itu kerjaan gue Cuma berhayal. Dan.kabar baiknya.ADALAAAAAAH…..*terektektekjes* khayalan gue bakal gue posting. Hehe sebenernya bukan kabar baik juga buat haters,yega yega?
Tapi enaknya dikasih judul apa? Hmhmhm….gimana kalau DT? Dreamly trainee. Nah,kan jadi mirip mirip dream team gimanaa gitu. Jadi,gue kepikiran ini karna keracunan fanfic. Sebenernya sih ini bukan fanfic juga,Cuma mirip. Suer deh. Gayanya bakal gue tulis kaya postingan biasa,seakan akan gue yang ngalamin (amiiin) oke,jadinya kaya gimana? Ini foreword nya
“eh,SM buka audisi loh!!”
‘iya?beneran?’ ga nganggep serius kirain ngeledek
“BENER.SUER. liat aja sana di websitenya”
*and the last group,from Indonesia! Give em applause!!*
“AH KILLA,dia belom dateng gimana dong”
‘need a help?’ tibatiba terdengar suara cowo,suaranya alus banget. Mirip cewe. Pas nengok kebelakang….
Gue nangis saat itu juga,gak jelas kenapa. Air mata turun deres,banget banget. Dan tanpa sadar ada yang meluk gue dari belakang..
Thats it! Foreword DT a’la Farisa gabrielaaa. Lanjutannya gimana? See ya next post^^
gabys day out Ep.2
jaadi,hari sabtu kemaren jam 4 (tadinya) mau kumpul di starbucks pim.tapi karena gue susah nyari supir dan pemberdayaannya,jadi sampe sana jam 5an kurang juga-_-. sampe sana clingak clinguk kaya anak ilang nyariin pina,agit sama mamake (crissy is my mother since she's become my mother) tibatiba ada anak pake baju pink gabisa diem kaya cacing di garemin,ternyata itu vina...abis dari situ,kita nyari restoran buat tempat buka di pim 1. tapi gaada yang bener jadi pindah ke pim 2. sebelom pindah ke pim 2,gue menyempatkan diri ke disc tara dulu. mau nyari...you-know-what deh ya gitu pokoknya.
sampe di pim 2,kita nyari makanan ke foodcourt. di perjalanan kesana,ditemui beberapa toko cd dan album yang gue caripun gaada,bahkan album album yang lain dari artis yang itu aja gaada. poor me-_-. tadinya kita mau ke pizzahut,tapi waitinglist ke 9. gila aja,perut keburu ngeband. oke gak lucu.tibatiba si dodol finka itu mencetuskan 'beli donat aja dulu,tapi sambil mesen tempat juga' GENIUS! kemasukan apa anak ini? siapapun yang merasuki finka,kamsha hamnida.
trus trus abis itu kita jalan ke kennyrogers. waiting list juga,tapi gapapa lah urutan ke 5 kalo gasalah. mungkin karena kealiman agita yang mengalahkan kebejatan 4 orang yang tersisa,gita akhirnya bukaan dulu di cafe XXI -______-' ya seenggaknya buka dulu gitu. abis urusan buka membuka,kita balik ke kennyrogers,abis ditanya reserveannya udah apa belom,dengan indahnya mbak mbak itu bilang "wah,saya kurang tau dek. tadi yang nyatet bukan saya" emang kalo yang nyatet bukan dia reserveannya ilang gitu? gilling.
ujung ujungnya balik lagi ke foodcourt,dan yang nemunin mejanya Agita lagi (ada finkanya juga sih tapi gausah ditulis pasti karna kebaikan agita semuanya-_-) abis makan lalalalala gitu,kita memutuskan untuk KARAOKE kawan kawan. ya,karaoke. tempatnya itu terpencil dan masuk ke dalem bar. oke,gue masuk situ kaya bocah edan mau klabing,gaada pantes pantesnya. dan sampai akhirnya....
-sorry sorry
-lagunya vina (lupa namanya)
-ring ding dong
-keong racun
-cinta satu malam
-hot and cold
-where is the love
-bukan superman
-dan.....puka puka e'e. oh maksutnya waka waka (haaaaa *faizal style)
sekitar 1 jam ada di dalem kamar remang remang (0_O) kita keluar dan mau beli froyo. sampe tibatiba......ada mas mas ngejegat gitu HA! *sound effect* trus nanya "menurut kalian cowo yang cemburuan itu salah gasih? yang suka maksa cewenya buat belajar..dll.walaupun emang kasar,meenurut kalian dia sayang ga sama pacarnya?" finka says 'sayang lah,dia kan gitu buat kebaikan cewenya juga' dan...anak cerdas soal percintaan berkata "sayang lah,emang kalo sayang kaya gitu. cowo emang kasar,kalo kasar bukan cowo. cewe namanya" CEP! *sound effect lagi* nancep juga omongannya vina. ups,h3h3h3. abis itu diajak salaman dan gue serem takut di hipnotis dan gue megangin tas dengan erat (-____-') abis itu kita ke tempat froyo dan gue dan crissy dan orang orang yang ngantri,liat ibu ibu mirip ibunya junsu...."anaknya mana bu? gak dibawa sekalian? mau langsung nikah nih" maunya ngomong gitu,tapi muka ibu itu tidak cukup meyakinkan kalau dia ibunya junsu. dan dan dan dan dan.....pas lagi makan froyonya,tibatiba agita duduknya nyerosot kebawah gitu. pas ditanya,jawabannya 'itu tadi gue liat bule gitu aduhh tadi bule pake baju item itu aduhh' guess what? anak dibawah umur ini liat bule cipokan secara live. haha stress mendadak dia
okeeeeeeh sampe sini dulu postingan saya,oh iya kalau mau liat karokeannya kaya gimana....here's the sneek peak
who will ruin my Life.
that have a Electric Heart.
but you're my Obsession.
i'll do anything to meet
you. Up & Down. everytime
i heard Your Name,i'll Shout Out
"WOWOWOW". when i sad,i always
heard Quasimodo.this is Life.
still Love Pain. Ready or Not,
Love Still Goes On.
bruised and scarred
It was the one I thought I'd never miss
Maybe we were one of the lucky ones
Maybe I'm just not quite strong enough
This was supposed to be the easy part
But breaking down is what I found hard
Now I'm wearing this smile that I don't believe in
Inside I feel like screaming
She gave me every reason to believe I'd found the one
But my doubts somehow they sold me out
I'm bruised and scarred
Save me from this broken heart
All my love will slowly fade and fall apart
Someone please sing this lovesick melody
Call my name if you're afraid
I'm just a kiss away
I'm finding out in the hardest way
The consequence of every mistake I've ever made
Baby what's it like to be alone?
(Baby, what's it like to be alone)
I don't want to know, I don't want to know
She gave me every reason to believe I'd found the one
But my doubts somehow they sold me out
I'm bruised and scarred
Save me from this broken heart
All my love will slowly fade and fall apart
Someone please sing this lovesick melody
Call my name if you're afraid
I'm just a kiss away
So baby be honest
Is this what you wanted?
We lost what we started
And found out much more than we want to know
(More than we want to know)
About how we're letting go
(About how we're letting go)
So baby be honest
Is this what you wanted?
We lost what we started
And found out much more than we want to know
I'm bruised and scarred
Save me from this broken heart
All my love will slowly fade and fall apart
Someone please sing this lovesick melody
Call my name if you're afraid
I'm just a kiss away